Norwegian girl while horse riding on Pakistan’s Independence Day in Oslo: She hopes for future of “Dzhigitovka”


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By Syed Sibtain Shah
There are many hobbies in the world but some people select special hobbies for them. Silje Landrø Botten is 22-year Norwegian girl who has hobby of a specific horse riding game. It is not a simple horse riding but riding while doing some specific tricks from the back of the horse. Silje who is from Drobak, Norway, plays “Dzhigitovka”, a basically Russian game trick of riding on horse.
It is important to mention that horse riding is a sports but not a usual game. It is a sports which has many tricks. For example doing different tricks while riding on horse which is too difficult.
Historically, the horse riding is commonly a male hobby but there are many women in the world who know some tricks during riding horse.
Dzhigitovka is a game which has been recently introduced by Silye Landro Botten in Norway. She got its training from Russia.

She participated in a tent pegging show in Oslo, the Norway’s capital on Pakistan’s Day celebration arranged by Pakistani community on 14th August. A large number of the people from different walks of life attended the huge gathering.
She talked about this game and its future in Norway. She hopes for good future of this game in Norway.
Another Norwegian man of mid age namely Sigvrd Monssen who also participated in Pakistan’s day celebrations in Oslo, felt very happy to take part in tent pegging along with the Pakistani horse riders.

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